Facts About Hitler

Adolf Hitler has been judged by world  powers as one of the most wicked, evil people who ever lived. At least, that is the 'official' story in the history books, main stream media, tv documentaries, Hollywood films, novels and even as an iconic image in pop culture. There's even a cute little puppy that resembles him to the point of becoming an internet celebrity and the website Cats that look like Hitler has attracted millions of visits. No other dead man in history has ever been a more bountiful cash cow, churning out endless profits for those promoting the politically-correct view of the man and his legacy. Hardly a week goes by without another 'evil Hitler' or 'evil Nazi' story somewhere in the media. But what is the bigger picture of Adolf Hitler? What are some of the unknown things about him that the average minded 'Hitler-haters' have never heard? This is not an effort to exonerate or mitigate any of the real tragedies of WW2, rather it is an effort to fill out the partial image of the man that so many have worked so hard to create in the minds of the masses.
This is a simple list of strange and surprising Hitler facts that are remarkably ironic. Some are even prophetic. Prepare to be astounded...

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